The photo album is one of the most faithful archives of memories of a person's life, as it brings us memories of the places of origin or where he passed. In this way, to photograph and have the portraits of the people we meet, is to keep them alive forever in memory.

Thus, the act of photographing important moments is a habit and also the best way to document such memories.

It is a nice, fun and, above all, cheap hobby today. And those who shoot for pleasure see the world differently, in addition to practicing creativity.

Types of photographs

Photographing | Art and culture

In many countries, including Brazil, there are galleries negotiating photos as objects of art. Likewise, cultural projects involving photos have become routine in the most diverse companies. As well as, photo contests are frequent, drawing people's attention to various subjects of interest to society.

Likewise, portraits gain status as a work of art when signed by recognized professionals and thus begin to occupy spaces previously restricted only to paintings.

Photographing | Social events

Weddings, graduations, 15th birthday parties and most social events do not require a photographic record. For this reason, a huge and attractive labor market was created there, mobilizing thousands of photographers dedicated to social documentation.

Photographing | Books

Doing a photo shoot that results in a picture book is a common practice in several segments. Thus, there are several groups and situations that can be photographed. From pregnant women to the elderly, as well as newborns, children, young people, sensual books and even pet books.

A little explored segment is the book of companies, that is, the documentation of the history of the business, the portrait of the entrepreneurs, the physical structure and the products and services offered. From small to large companies.

Photographing | Advertising

Constantly, thousands of photos are produced. Products and services to illustrate magazine ads, catalogs, websites, as well as a multitude of advertising pieces. They are sophisticated works, created at the table of art directors for various business sectors.

Photographing | Journalism

Photography is crucial in journalism, as it shares with the journalistic text the importance of understanding the news. Since, journalism sites are big consumers of images that need to be updated at all times and usually receive the collaboration of readers who send photos and pay for special images produced by the general public.

Photographing | Researches

Almost all modern sciences use photography to support their research. Adapting the cameras to microscopes or telescopes allows you to photograph intriguing images that are imperceptible to the human eye. For this, there is a series of accessories to facilitate the operation of the camera in anatomies and unfavorable conditions.

Photographing | Cinema - Scene and still

In cinema, photography is represented in two sectors: in the scenes of the film itself, where everything that is projected on the screen is carried out by the cinematographer and his team, composed of illuminators, videographers, drivers, etc. In the same way, also in the work of the photographer still, who reproduces static images of the main scenes of the film to illustrate the promotional material of the film, such as posters, folders and websites.

*** Source: Photography Theory and Practice Book | Author Vitché Palacin

Read more about photography and more on Photo Blog

Although some professionals say that you should choose an area to work, I think differently.

I believe that, every photographer should open his mind and study and practice in the most diverse areas. Only then, it is possible to master the most diverse techniques, so, finally, if necessary, choose an area that identifies better.

So, if you intend to continue in photography, don't be afraid to take the most diverse photos. It can be a portrait of a friend, a macro photo of an insect or a landscape. The important thing is to practice and improve each day.


Anyway, we will meet in the next article on photographic technique.

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