Following the photographic technique, after the principles about light, we go to color.

Photographic Technique | Color

Although it is possible to perceive colors in low light environments, it is undeniable that the greater incidence of light brings an improvement in the result.

Therefore, colors exist due to our visual perception and, specifically, to our visual system, which interprets the different compositions of light wavelengths as colors.

Human Eyes

Many ingenious inventions are based on "observations of nature". The way in which color films and image sensors work is largely due to scientists' studies of what color is and how human eyes respond to colored environments.

Thus, it is now well established that our retinas contain millions of cells in the form of rods and cones. Rods are more sensitive to light, but do not discern colors. They are distributed in the peripheral area of the retina, where the image is formed. There are about 75 to 150 million rods in this area.

However, the cones, which are less sensitive, react to color with its three types of reception determined by chemical content. They are concentrated in the center of the retina and are less abundant than rods, in the range of 6 to 7 million.

However, trichromatic theory does not explain some aspects of color vision. But the findings of these 19th century scientists remain highly relevant to understanding color photography.

At the same time, remember that your eye is an extension of your brain, connected to it by more than 750,000 fibers in each optic nerve. (LANGFORD, 2013, p.3).

The Cameras

Since the camera can be compared to the mechanism of the human eye to receive and understand light waves in color, it is necessary to understand how colors work in your camera and, later, in prints of digital images.


There are two different ways of reading colors: the additive method (known as RGB) and the subtractive method (CMYK).

In the additive method, the colors Red (R = Red), Green (G = Green) and Blue (B = Blue) are perceived in specific cones for each of these waves. In the union of the three colors, the light formed is white while in the absence of light waves, we have black. Notice that the union of these lights returns new complementary colors being, Cyan (C = Cyan), Magenta (M = Magenta), Yellow (Y = Yellow).

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Color additive method

This method is used in the lighting of studios, computer monitors, televisions, smarthphones and other equipment that operate directly with the light forming the images.

However, the subtractive method is used in the manufacture of dyes. “They are based on the absorption of light using the complementary colors cyan (C), magenta (M) and yellow (Y - yellow)” (LANGFORD, 2013, p.5).

When joined together, the result is darker colors. The darker the result of mixing these colors, the less light is equal. The absence of color corresponds to white, or, the complete reflection of the light, registering no noticeable color. Note in figure 5 below that the union of the primary colors Cyan, Magenta and Yellow, results in black, represented by the letter K (black) in the subtractive system.

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Color subtractive system

In practice, throughout your journey as a photographer, this knowledge will be very important for you to refine your look, making a correct reading of colors, choose your preferences for coloring the images and further refine your knowledge to calibrate your equipment .


Calibration, however, basically consists of balancing the colors perceived by the camera, the monitor and the printing process, until it reaches back to the human eye.

RGB Additive Method: used to create colors by mixing light.
CMYK Subtractive Method: used to create colors from coloring pigments.

However, I emphasize that our study of the photographic technique is only at the beginning. So far, we have read about light and color, so the next article will cover temperature.


Anyway, we will meet in the next article on photographic technique.

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